
How blockchain technology can support the race to net zero | World Economic Forum

How blockchain technology can support the race to net zero | World Economic Forum


  • Developing the capacity to deliver net-zero over the next decade may be the most critical transition that humanity has ever needed to make.

  • Blockchain technology could be an essential and effective tool in the move to net-zero, particularly when it comes to the energy sector.

  • As environmental, social and economic regulation is brought into place, it is crucial that blockchain companies provide proper reporting on their impacts, and a new World Economic Forum report highlights the challenges and opportunities for achieving this.



We cannot manage what we do not measure. This is as true for understanding the effectiveness of technologies as it is for managing organizations. Maybe even more so. If we apply technologies to solve our most demanding challenges, such as climate change, we must anticipate and include methods of measurement. Without proactive measurement, we may fall short of our goals or, even worse, cause ancillary damage. We have the opportunity to develop proactive measurements now.


Developing the capacity to deliver net-zero over the next decade may be the most critical transition that humanity has ever needed to make. Many state that blockchain technology could be an essential and effective tool to improve the energy sector and trace energy intensity. However, we must be as thoughtful about the tools as we are about their potential outputs. Critically, the tools we use to address our net-zero issues should not add to our climate problems, nor can we ignore the unintended consequences of technology.


How do you measure the environmental impact of a technology?

.As we have seen recently, it is challenging to balance the overall impacts of a technical solution. Moving bitcoin mining rigs to reduce environmental impact may cause significant social or economic impacts by increasing the costs of electricity for those in nearby areas. All of these externalities are part of the larger climate calculation. And, it’s more important than ever that the crypto and larger innovation community agree to a shared set of measurement standards.

Measurement is critical to enabling technology to contribute to the world’s net-zero goals. Without a solid understanding of the impact a particular technology has, it is unlikely that effective adjustments can be made to improve environmental performance. For any measurement to be helpful across an industry, it must be comparable across different parts of that sector and the methodologies must be clear and transparent. Without these clear and transparent methodologies, we can’t make thoughtful decisions. And without thoughtful decisions, we fail to take action. Or we take actions that have consequences we have not considered as part of the decision-making process. Understanding how to take a unified approach that enables optimisation is critical.


Understanding blockchain’s environmental impact is crucial

.Blockchain and the solutions built on it can (and must) be modelled and compared to understand their impact on our environment, as well as their possible economic and social impacts. Even with the vast differences in blockchain infrastructures, the recent paper from our Sustainability Coalition illustrates that there is a way to construct these models to help guide our public policies and future innovation. And for this work, we are not starting from scratch. On the contrary, various protocols and others have put forward numerous energy measurement techniques that apply to current blockchain infrastructures.


Given these imperatives, it is encouraging to see the body of case studies and practical solutions (of which Zumo is one example) already emerging out of the memberships of alliances, such as the World Economic Forum Crypto Sustainability Coalition. They demonstrate the industry’s alertness to such challenges and its willingness to move forwards proactively and at pace. More such action will be required on the path ahead.


It’s time to agree standards

One critical aspect required from the crypto community is to agree on a commonly agreed-upon set of standards that enable different protocols to compare their overall environmental impact. Current efforts are primarily heterogeneous and do not allow for the results to be compared with one another. A shared standard will take this nascent industry closer in line with the rest of the ICT industry. The crypto community could contribute deep insights to the ICT industry by illustrating how to measure distributed and decentralised systems, which are becoming a critical part of the broader ICT industry, as well as blockchain solutions. The drive towards net-zero could start meaningful discussions between the ICT and crypto/blockchain communities.

With this in mind, our new report outlines some issues with establishing proper guidelines for measuring crypto projects’ economic, social and environmental impact in a balanced manner – a unified impact assessment. This enables crypto projects to optimise more effectively across the three arms of sustainability and deliver on the promise of the technology in a viable manner. As environmental, social and economic regulation is brought into place, it is crucial that blockchain companies can provide proper reporting on their impacts. We hope this report contributes to this vital discussion and can inspire other technology projects, even those outside the scope of blockchain.


How blockchain technology can support the race to net-zero


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Sustainable Business Model Canvas | Video Tutorial

Sustainable Business Model Canvas

Download the Tutorial

Sustainable business models:

1. Definition of sustainability: Sustainability refers to the ability of an organization to operate in a way that minimizes its negative impact on the environment, while also meeting the needs of the present and future generations.

2. Business case for sustainability: There is a growing business case for sustainability, as consumers and investors increasingly demand environmentally and socially responsible products and services.

3. Triple bottom line: The triple bottom line is a framework that considers the social, environmental, and financial impacts of an organization’s activities. A sustainable business model should strive to create value across all three dimensions.

4. Sustainable business models: Sustainable business models are designed to create long-term value for all stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, and the environment. Examples of sustainable business models include circular economy models, green supply chain models, and socially responsible investing models.

5. Sustainable product design: Sustainable product design involves considering the environmental impact of a product throughout its entire life cycle, from raw material extraction to disposal. This can involve using sustainable materials, designing products for recyclability, and reducing packaging waste.

6. Sustainable supply chains: A sustainable supply chain involves ensuring that all suppliers and partners in the supply chain operate in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This can involve implementing sustainable sourcing policies, reducing waste and emissions in transportation and logistics, and ensuring fair labor practices.

7. Reporting and transparency: Sustainable businesses should be transparent about their sustainability practices and report on their environmental and social impacts. This can involve publishing sustainability reports, participating in sustainability certifications and standards, and engaging with stakeholders to gather feedback.

8. Sustainable finance: Sustainable finance involves integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into investment decisions. Sustainable finance can be used to drive positive environmental and social outcomes, while also generating financial returns.

9. Collaborative action: Addressing sustainability challenges requires collaboration across different stakeholders, including governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and consumers. Sustainable businesses should seek to engage with these stakeholders and collaborate on sustainability initiatives.

10. Continuous improvement: Sustainable business models should be designed for continuous improvement, with a focus on reducing environmental impact, improving social outcomes, and creating value for all stakeholders over the long term.

Net Zero and Web3 | PGF7T token on the Ethereum blockchain

pgf500 has a token on the Ethereum network, called PGF7T, which you can use to pay for subscriptions and services within the pgf500 SaaS platform.




Decentralized Web3 technologies could improve coordination around tackling climate change because they use local knowledge and actors to guide policies and put funding where it’s needed.


Climate change is a global coordination problem.

The system has failed to coordinate effective policies and capital investment into the commitments necessary to address the most pressing threat to humanity.


Race To Zero is a global campaign to rally leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions, investors for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon recovery that prevents future threats, creates decent jobs, and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth.





You will need to have Metamask to pay with PGF7T token.


We have chosen to adopt blockchain technology for the launch of 2 innovative decentralized Dapps.


We believe in Web3 and in the strength of communities.


The token is on the Ethereum smart contract 0x9fadea1aff842d407893e21dbd0e2017b4c287b6 ,

and the code is public at


QuickSwap smart contract:




🔴 It is possible to buy and sell PGF7T tokens on Uniswap and QuickSwap Exchanges.


PGF7T token will be listed on other Exchanges soon.


Price:  PGF7T


Enjoy the Journey 🚀


Software as a Service (SaaS) business model

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is based on the linear digital business model and uses the internet as its value delivery channel with the code hosted on the cloud.

There are SaaS solutions for pretty much all consumer software as well as a lot of enterprise management software, including most of the traditional software that have moved to the cloud.





Part 1: What is SaaS?


Part 2: SaaS Business Model Canvas

  1. Key Activities
  2. Value Propositions
  3. Key Partners
  4. Key Assets & Resources
  5. Channels
  6. Customer Relationships
  7. Customer Segments
  8. Revenue
  9. Cost Structure


SaaS Business Model


Sustainable Business Model Canvas | Video Tutorial

Sustainable Business Model Canvas

Download the Tutorial

Sustainable business models:

1. Definition of sustainability: Sustainability refers to the ability of an organization to operate in a way that minimizes its negative impact on the environment, while also meeting the needs of the present and future generations.

2. Business case for sustainability: There is a growing business case for sustainability, as consumers and investors increasingly demand environmentally and socially responsible products and services.

3. Triple bottom line: The triple bottom line is a framework that considers the social, environmental, and financial impacts of an organization’s activities. A sustainable business model should strive to create value across all three dimensions.

4. Sustainable business models: Sustainable business models are designed to create long-term value for all stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, and the environment. Examples of sustainable business models include circular economy models, green supply chain models, and socially responsible investing models.

5. Sustainable product design: Sustainable product design involves considering the environmental impact of a product throughout its entire life cycle, from raw material extraction to disposal. This can involve using sustainable materials, designing products for recyclability, and reducing packaging waste.

6. Sustainable supply chains: A sustainable supply chain involves ensuring that all suppliers and partners in the supply chain operate in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This can involve implementing sustainable sourcing policies, reducing waste and emissions in transportation and logistics, and ensuring fair labor practices.

7. Reporting and transparency: Sustainable businesses should be transparent about their sustainability practices and report on their environmental and social impacts. This can involve publishing sustainability reports, participating in sustainability certifications and standards, and engaging with stakeholders to gather feedback.

8. Sustainable finance: Sustainable finance involves integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into investment decisions. Sustainable finance can be used to drive positive environmental and social outcomes, while also generating financial returns.

9. Collaborative action: Addressing sustainability challenges requires collaboration across different stakeholders, including governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and consumers. Sustainable businesses should seek to engage with these stakeholders and collaborate on sustainability initiatives.

10. Continuous improvement: Sustainable business models should be designed for continuous improvement, with a focus on reducing environmental impact, improving social outcomes, and creating value for all stakeholders over the long term.

Net Zero and Web3 | PGF7T token on the Ethereum blockchain

pgf500 has a token on the Ethereum network, called PGF7T, which you can use to pay for subscriptions and services within the pgf500 SaaS platform.




Decentralized Web3 technologies could improve coordination around tackling climate change because they use local knowledge and actors to guide policies and put funding where it’s needed.


Climate change is a global coordination problem.

The system has failed to coordinate effective policies and capital investment into the commitments necessary to address the most pressing threat to humanity.


Race To Zero is a global campaign to rally leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions, investors for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon recovery that prevents future threats, creates decent jobs, and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth.





You will need to have Metamask to pay with PGF7T token.


We have chosen to adopt blockchain technology for the launch of 2 innovative decentralized Dapps.


We believe in Web3 and in the strength of communities.




The token is on the Ethereum smart contract 0x9fadea1aff842d407893e21dbd0e2017b4c287b6 ,

and the code is public at


QuickSwap smart contract:




🔴 It is possible to buy and sell PGF7T tokens on Uniswap and QuickSwap Exchanges.


PGF7T token will be listed on other Exchanges soon.


Price:  PGF7T


Enjoy the Journey 🚀


SMEs and Net Zero

Build your green strategy

Calculate your CO2 emissions

Plan an action plan to reach Net Zero

Publish your data on the blockchain

With pgf500 you’ll be able to understand the impact of your business on the environment and take steps to reduce it.




Net zero refers to the state in which an entity’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are balanced out by the amount of GHG that is removed from the atmosphere. This can be achieved by reducing emissions as much as possible and then offsetting the remaining emissions by removing or sequestering an equivalent amount of GHG from the atmosphere through measures such as reforestation or carbon capture technology.

To become sustainable, companies can take various actions, including:

Adopting renewable energy: By switching to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, or geothermal, companies can significantly reduce their carbon footprint. Improving energy efficiency: Implementing energy-efficient technologies and practices can reduce energy consumption and associated GHG emissions.

Investing in green infrastructure: Companies can invest in sustainable infrastructure such as green buildings, sustainable transportation, and waste reduction programs.

Reducing waste: By reducing waste and promoting a circular economy, companies can minimize their environmental impact.

Engaging in sustainable sourcing: Companies can source raw materials and products from sustainable sources and promote sustainable practices throughout their supply chain.

Setting emission reduction targets: By setting ambitious emission reduction targets and regularly reporting progress, companies can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and inspire others to take action.

Engaging stakeholders: Companies can engage with customers, employees, and other stakeholders to raise awareness about sustainability and promote sustainable practices.

Overall, becoming sustainable requires a long-term commitment and a willingness to invest in sustainable practices and technologies. However, the benefits of sustainability, including cost savings, reputation enhancement, and reduced environmental impact, make it a worthwhile pursuit for companies of all sizes and industries.



Sustainable Business Model Canvas | Video Tutorial

Sustainable Business Model Canvas

Download the Tutorial

Sustainable business models:

1. Definition of sustainability: Sustainability refers to the ability of an organization to operate in a way that minimizes its negative impact on the environment, while also meeting the needs of the present and future generations.

2. Business case for sustainability: There is a growing business case for sustainability, as consumers and investors increasingly demand environmentally and socially responsible products and services.

3. Triple bottom line: The triple bottom line is a framework that considers the social, environmental, and financial impacts of an organization’s activities. A sustainable business model should strive to create value across all three dimensions.

4. Sustainable business models: Sustainable business models are designed to create long-term value for all stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, and the environment. Examples of sustainable business models include circular economy models, green supply chain models, and socially responsible investing models.

5. Sustainable product design: Sustainable product design involves considering the environmental impact of a product throughout its entire life cycle, from raw material extraction to disposal. This can involve using sustainable materials, designing products for recyclability, and reducing packaging waste.

6. Sustainable supply chains: A sustainable supply chain involves ensuring that all suppliers and partners in the supply chain operate in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This can involve implementing sustainable sourcing policies, reducing waste and emissions in transportation and logistics, and ensuring fair labor practices.

7. Reporting and transparency: Sustainable businesses should be transparent about their sustainability practices and report on their environmental and social impacts. This can involve publishing sustainability reports, participating in sustainability certifications and standards, and engaging with stakeholders to gather feedback.

8. Sustainable finance: Sustainable finance involves integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into investment decisions. Sustainable finance can be used to drive positive environmental and social outcomes, while also generating financial returns.

9. Collaborative action: Addressing sustainability challenges requires collaboration across different stakeholders, including governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and consumers. Sustainable businesses should seek to engage with these stakeholders and collaborate on sustainability initiatives.

10. Continuous improvement: Sustainable business models should be designed for continuous improvement, with a focus on reducing environmental impact, improving social outcomes, and creating value for all stakeholders over the long term.

Software as a Service (SaaS) business model

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is based on the linear digital business model and uses the internet as its value delivery channel with the code hosted on the cloud.

There are SaaS solutions for pretty much all consumer software as well as a lot of enterprise management software, including most of the traditional software that have moved to the cloud.





Part 1: What is SaaS?


Part 2: SaaS Business Model Canvas

  1. Key Activities
  2. Value Propositions
  3. Key Partners
  4. Key Assets & Resources
  5. Channels
  6. Customer Relationships
  7. Customer Segments
  8. Revenue
  9. Cost Structure


SaaS Business Model


Net Zero and Web3 | PGF7T token on the Ethereum blockchain

pgf500 has a token on the Ethereum network, called PGF7T, which you can use to pay for subscriptions and services within the pgf500 SaaS platform.




Decentralized Web3 technologies could improve coordination around tackling climate change because they use local knowledge and actors to guide policies and put funding where it’s needed.


Climate change is a global coordination problem.

The system has failed to coordinate effective policies and capital investment into the commitments necessary to address the most pressing threat to humanity.


Race To Zero is a global campaign to rally leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions, investors for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon recovery that prevents future threats, creates decent jobs, and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth.





You will need to have Metamask to pay with PGF7T token.


We have chosen to adopt blockchain technology for the launch of 2 innovative decentralized Dapps.


We believe in Web3 and in the strength of communities.




The token is on the Ethereum smart contract 0x9fadea1aff842d407893e21dbd0e2017b4c287b6 ,

and the code is public at


QuickSwap smart contract:




🔴 It is possible to buy and sell PGF7T tokens on Uniswap and QuickSwap Exchanges.


PGF7T token will be listed on other Exchanges soon.


Price:  PGF7T


Enjoy the Journey 🚀


Happy Easter