Sustainable Business Models Canvas with examples

The sustainable business model canvas is a tool that helps companies create a sustainable business model that incorporates economic, social, and environmental factors.

It is based on the traditional business model canvas but includes additional components related to sustainability.

The main principles of the sustainable business model canvas are:

  • Value Proposition: This is the core of any business model and represents the unique value that the company provides to its customers. In a sustainable business model, the value proposition should also consider the social and environmental impact of the company's products or services. Example: Patagonia, an outdoor clothing company, provides high-quality outdoor clothing while also promoting environmental sustainability and social responsibility through initiatives such as using recycled materials and donating a portion of profits to environmental causes.
  • Customer Segments: This refers to the groups of customers that the company targets with its products or services. In a sustainable business model, the company should consider the social and environmental preferences of its target customers. Example: Beyond Meat, a plant-based meat substitute company, targets environmentally conscious consumers who want to reduce their meat consumption.
  • Channels: This refers to the ways in which the company reaches its customers. In a sustainable business model, the company should consider using channels that are environmentally friendly and socially responsible. Example: Tesla, an electric car company, sells its cars directly to consumers through its website and company-owned stores, avoiding the need for traditional car dealerships and reducing its environmental impact.
  • Key Activities: This refers to the activities that the company must perform to deliver its value proposition. In a sustainable business model, the company should consider activities that minimize environmental impact and promote social responsibility. Example: Unilever, a consumer goods company, has implemented a sustainable sourcing program to ensure that the raw materials it uses in its products are sustainably sourced and do not contribute to deforestation or other environmental issues.
  • Key Resources: This refers to the resources that the company needs to deliver its value proposition. In a sustainable business model, the company should consider using resources that are environmentally friendly and socially responsible. Example: Interface, a flooring company, has implemented a "Mission Zero" program to eliminate its environmental footprint by using sustainable materials, reducing waste, and using renewable energy.
  • Key Partners: This refers to the partners that the company relies on to deliver its value proposition. In a sustainable business model, the company should consider partnering with organizations that share its social and environmental values. Example: TOMS, a shoe company, partners with organizations to provide shoes to children in need and has also launched a sustainable line of shoes made from environmentally friendly materials.
  • Revenue Streams: This refers to the ways in which the company generates revenue from its customers. In a sustainable business model, the company should consider revenue streams that promote sustainability and social responsibility. Example: Ecolife Recycling, a waste management company, generates revenue by collecting and recycling electronic waste, reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and promoting sustainability.

In summary, the sustainable business model canvas helps companies create a business model that takes into account economic, social, and environmental factors. By incorporating sustainability into their business model, companies can create value for their customers while also promoting a more sustainable and responsible way of doing business.